Chrissy Ritter LLC is a full-scale residential and commercial interior design firm based in New York City. Principal Chrissy Ritter strives to create well-lived in spaces that equally value function and form. Inspired by a vast range of design influences, Chrissy welcomes a collaborative process with each new client, and she takes pride in designing spaces that reflect and celebrate her clients’ unique personalities. While Chrissy prioritizes the individuality of each client, every project is rooted in longevity and a bit of whimsy.

Prior to founding her company, Chrissy worked for Charlotte Moss for 6 years as a project manager and senior designer. During this time, Chrissy worked on numerous new build construction projects across the US and internationally, all the while sharpening her expertise and deepening her appreciation for design and its history. With years of experience managing and completing large scale projects, Chrissy is excited to begin a new chapter and apply her discipline, precision, and creativity with future clients.

"Be faithful to your own taste, because nothing you really like is ever out of style." - Billy Baldwin